Sara Christie- VA Lottery Super Teacher!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Welcome Jennifer Daniel to First Grade

Please welcome Jennifer Daniel to our first grade team.
This is Jennifer Daniel's 10th year teaching 1st grade in Loudoun County.  Before coming to Creighton's, she taught 6 years at Horizon Elementary, and 3 years at Lowes Island Elementary.  Before that, she received her Master's degree in Education from George Mason University and her Undergraduate Degree in Elementary Education from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.   She did a teaching internship in the United Kingdom and student taught in Wilmington North Carolina.   In her spare time, Mrs. Daniel enjoys reading, running, volunteering with the youth at her church, and spending time with her husband and son.  Last year, Mrs. Daniel took the year off from teaching to stay home with her newborn son.  She found herself missing her students and knew that she wanted to go back to teaching.  Mrs. Daniel is eager to return to the classroom and is excited about joining the Creighton's Corner family.

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