Sara Christie- VA Lottery Super Teacher!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Welcome Back Karen Creech

Please welcome back Ms. Karen Creech to our 5th Grade Team. Mrs. "C" (Mrs. K. Creech) grew up in Charleston, SC before she left to attend college at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.  She earned Bachelor Degrees in Education and Psychology.  She returned to Charleston to marry Mr. Steven Creech, a United States Coast Guardsman, and brother of Mrs. C. Creech's husband Greg Creech.    Moving with her husband to New Jersey allowed Mrs. C the opportunity to complete her Masters at Richard Stockton College in instructional technology.  During Mr. Creech's career, the Coast Guard has stationed their family in 6 different states, and they have enjoyed visiting 49 of the US States.    Mr. and Mrs. Creech have two beautiful children. Emmalie will be a freshman this year at East Carolina University. Warren will be a senior in high school. He keeps the family very busy at football games.   Mrs. C has taught for 20 years, and dearly loves the classroom.  She has taught all elementary grades with the exception of 4th grade.  She is excited to be teaching at Creighton's again and is looking forward to a  great year!

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