Sara Christie- VA Lottery Super Teacher!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

1200 Horsepower Holiday Food Drive

If you have read the local paper recently you might have seen where Loudoun Interfaith is very fearful that they will run out of food in their food pantries this Holiday Season.
With the resources we have and over 1200 students and staff members, I think we can make sure this doesn’t happen.
Beginning next week and running through the last day before Christmas Break, we want to engage in a monumental 1200 horsepower holiday food drive.  
Here is what we are assigning each grade level to bring:

Kindergarten- Cereal, Instant Oat Meal, Breakfast Bars, and Fruit Snacks
1st Grade- Box Meals (Mac and Cheese, Boxed Noodle and Rice Dinners, Instant Potatoes, etc.)
2nd Grade- Canned Beans, Canned Meat Products (Tuna, potted meat, etc.), and Peanut Butter// No Glass Containers
3rd Grade- Canned Fruits and Canned Vegetables //No Glass Containers
4th Grade- Canned Soup, Chili, Ravioli, Spaghettios, etc.// No Glass Containers
5th Grade- Let’s not forget our Furry Friends!  Pet Food (Bags and/or Cans of Pet Food for Dogs and Cats)

Let’s get together and show our county what 1200 horsepower can do. 

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