Sara Christie- VA Lottery Super Teacher!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

1200 Horsepower Food Drive

Our Colts raised over 3000 (three thousand) pounds of Food for Loudoun Interfaith.  That's the power of 1200 horsepower. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

International Night

Thanks to all the teachers and parents who made our International Week and International Night such a great success! 

Friday, December 5, 2014

5th graders visit Heritage

Ms. Wardell's class joined the students at Heritage High for a "writers workshop". 

Designing a Better Hair Dryer

3rd grade students Re studying how these devices are made and redesigning them to be "super".  

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

1200 Horsepower Holiday Food Drive

If you have read the local paper recently you might have seen where Loudoun Interfaith is very fearful that they will run out of food in their food pantries this Holiday Season.
With the resources we have and over 1200 students and staff members, I think we can make sure this doesn’t happen.
Beginning next week and running through the last day before Christmas Break, we want to engage in a monumental 1200 horsepower holiday food drive.  
Here is what we are assigning each grade level to bring:

Kindergarten- Cereal, Instant Oat Meal, Breakfast Bars, and Fruit Snacks
1st Grade- Box Meals (Mac and Cheese, Boxed Noodle and Rice Dinners, Instant Potatoes, etc.)
2nd Grade- Canned Beans, Canned Meat Products (Tuna, potted meat, etc.), and Peanut Butter// No Glass Containers
3rd Grade- Canned Fruits and Canned Vegetables //No Glass Containers
4th Grade- Canned Soup, Chili, Ravioli, Spaghettios, etc.// No Glass Containers
5th Grade- Let’s not forget our Furry Friends!  Pet Food (Bags and/or Cans of Pet Food for Dogs and Cats)

Let’s get together and show our county what 1200 horsepower can do. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Stomp Out Bullying

Ms. Bidwell and Ms. Helman have been hard at work with our kids to stomp out bullying! 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Great time at the Pumpkin patch

Our 1st graders had a great time and learned lots on their trip to the Pumpkin Patch. We had great weather and lots of volunteers. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Kristian Bush: "Trailer Hitch" [Official Lyric Video]




Loudoun Schools See Larger-Than-Expected Enrollment Boost - Leesburg Today Online—Daily News Coverage of Loudoun County, Leesburg, Ashburn: News

Loudoun Schools See Larger-Than-Expected Enrollment Boost - Leesburg Today Online—Daily News Coverage of Loudoun County, Leesburg, Ashburn: News

So Proud of my Students, Staff, and Parents for working hard to make a Big School feel like home for all of our 1100 students!  1100 Horsepower! Go Colts!

Dedicating Our New Playground!

A lot of work went into this day and we are very proud of all of the hard work that made this moment possible!

It's Time to Stuff the Boxes

We are once again setting our goal high in hopes of collecting over 1 TON of Canned and Boxed Food Goods for Loudoun Interfaith Mission.  Dropboxes are ready at each door so bring in your food items.

Friday Night is PTA Spooky Bingo Night!

Friday Night is Spooky Bingo Night!  We are super excited!  See you there!

BIG BIG Spirit Night on Tuesday!!!

Tuesday Night from 5 pm to 8 pm is a BIG Spirit Night for Creightons Corner.  That's the night we descend upon Chipotle Grill with 1100 Horsepower for our Chipotle Spirit Night.  Chipotle generously donates 50% of the profits back to CCES.  Come on out and support your Colts!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Math Night

We had a huge turnout for Math Night! We had great games and activities and we encourage parents to continue those games at home. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Ashburn Robotics

Meeting with the Ashburn Robotics Team to discuss STEM and using robotics to teach problem solving. 

Essential Questions

Essential questions are at the heart of great teaching. They help give students an understanding of what's expected and help guide teachers in their questioning and assessment. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

How Do You Serve Your Community?

Whether it's helping a neighbor, picking up trash, or participating in a food drive, there are lots of ways to help your community. My family helps by making sandwiches for the homeless in Franklin Square DC. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Movie Night

Huge crowd ( over 1000) for Movie Night. Lots of Volunteers. Kids had a great time and we had a great teacher turnout. What an awesome family we have at CCE!