Sara Christie- VA Lottery Super Teacher!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Be Passionately For Something!!!

We live in a time where people seem to be against everything. Whether its Holidays, raising money for a charitable cause,or honoring a you name it, someone is against it and they will let you know about it. Popular culture calls them "haters." To me, its like a constant bleeting of lambs. This movement seems to be so pervasive that there seem to be very few people who are actually "for" something. The few that are, many whom are children, seem to be crushed by the overwhelming negativity of the folks who are so loudly against everything. My challenge to you is to be passionately "for" something and to be so "passionately" for it than everyone who is against it is drowned out by your passion. Make a commitment to make something good happen and no matter what opposition you might face, make it happen. We need more people who make good things happen! It's better to be a Lion for one day than a Lamb your entire life.

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