Sara Christie- VA Lottery Super Teacher!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Welcome our new 3rd Grade Teacher, Saadia Genc

I am excited to be joining the Creighton’s Corner community and to start exploring the area of Ashburn!  I have lived in northern Virginia for most of my life and have taught in Fairfax County for 7 years and recently in Seattle, Washington for 2 years.  I have taught Kindergarten, K-1 Multiage, First Grade, and Second Grade.  My husband and I have an adorable 1-year-old miniature poodle named Coco Lola and I am sure youwill see pictures or hear about her!  I enjoy hiking, cooking/baking, reading, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.  I look forward to getting to know the children, families, and staff at Creighton’s Corner!  

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