Sara Christie- VA Lottery Super Teacher!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Semester of Service

I am very proud of the commitment our children and our community has made to service.  In just a very short time, our school has made a tremendous impact on the lives of those in their immediate community, their state, and their nation.  Below is a brief list of some of the projects and initiatives that our school has participated in:

Denim Day- Our Staff Raised over $1000 for Breast Cancer Research

The Creighton's Corner Family raised over $2300 to support Northern Virginia Family Services, registering over 475 participants in the fight against homelessness.  Due in part to our efforts, the NVFS received a $50,000 grant to improve the living conditions of homeless families in the Loudoun County area. 

This October, The Creighton's Corner Family raised close to 2 tons (4000 poounds) of Food to support needy families in Loudoun County.

This Halloween, Creighton's Corner teamed up with Stone Hill Middle and Briar Woods High School to donate 100's of pounds of Halloween Candy to our troops overseas.

This Holiday Season, Creighton's Corner Families have joined forces to collect food and toys to support our local animal shelters, provide gloves, mittens, and hats for needy children, and write letters to Santa to support The Make a Wish Foundation. 

I am very proud of your efforts!

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