Sara Christie- VA Lottery Super Teacher!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Welcome to Mr. Knott's InfoBlog!!!

Dear CCES Families and Staff,

Welcome to my infoblog for CCES.  It is a neat way for me to share information with you and for you to keep up with what's going on in our school.  I hope you like it.

All the best,

Chris L. Knott


  1. Brilliant idea! Thank you for creating another source for parents to be informed and involved!

  2. As a fellow blogger, I love this and am thrilled to see this type of communication at our school!

  3. This is a great way to know the school staff! Look forward to reading more.

  4. Awesome!! Thank you so much for reaching out to all of the CCE stakeholders (parents/students/staff and partners in education) with this great information blog! Love it! Also love the "Undefeated" staff video, very moving, great job!!
